God only knows Garabandal

“GARABANDAL Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison”:
Movie film that has already been projected in most Spanish cities, with an influx of spectators near the 30.000, It is fulfilling its mission: Publicize APPEARANCES AND MESSAGES OF OUR MOTHER IN

The movie, It is reaching the hearts of many Spaniards, who were unaware of the extraordinary events in this mountain village between 1961 – 1965. And because the same, at the Pilgrim Service Center of San Sebastian de Garabandal, we are receiving and attending numerous Spanish pilgrims, which first Garabandal approach in order to meet and pray in this privileged place of Cantabria (Spain), chosen by the Blessed Virgin to demonstrate four girls.
From here, We want to thank all persons or entities who have made the production and making of this film, based on fact, and that both spiritual well being performed.


First It was four months after the beginning of the apparitions,
the 18 October 1961.
We must make many sacrifices, much penance, visit the Blessed, but before we have to be very good. And if we do not we come a punishment. And you are filling the cup and if we do not change we will a very big punishment.

The second message of the Virgin It came shortly before the end of the apparitions,
the 18 June 1965.
As it has not been fulfilled and has not been made known to my message 18 October 1961, I will say that this is the last. Before, the cup was filling, now, He runneth. many cardinals, Bishops and priests are on the road to perdition, and they carry many more souls. The Eucharist is increasingly being given less importance. You must avoid the wrath of God upon you good with your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere soul, He forgive. I, your Mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, I want to say that I mend. You are already in the last warnings! I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Ask us sincerely and we will give it. You should make more sacrifices. Think of the Passion of Jesus.