Pilgrimage month of August 2019

Peregrination to Garabandal and Santo Toribio de LIEBANA (to venerate the largest piece of the Cross of Our Lord).
DATES : of 1 to the 4 of August (2019)
ORGANIZED : Juan Romero Pons

Departure from Madrid (Chamartin train station) to 10:30 h. the 1 August and return to the same place the day 4 about the 17:00 h (limited by order of registration). to register, for more information or connect from other cities (Valencia, Málaga, Mallorca, Burgos, etc.), contactad with tel./whatsapp 637156775 (Juan Romero) the visitad : https://www.peregrinacion-garabandal.es/

Pilgrimage to Garabandal